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Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation PH.1.1 (22)

Article : texte imprimé
DB Cox, Auteur ; RA Owens, Auteur ; Pe Hartmann, Auteur |In women, the concentration of prolactin in the plasma increases in response to nipple stimulation. This response has led to the assumption that prolactin influences the rate of milk synthesis. To investigate this hypothesis we have measured 24 [...]Article : texte imprimé
A Prentice, Auteur ; GR Goldberg, Auteur |Data from the world literature have been analysed in order to test whether low body mass index (BMI: kg/m2) is a useful indicator of functional impairment of lactation performance. Forty-one databases containing 1726 measurements have been ident[...]Article : texte imprimé
Pe Hartmann, Auteur ; RA Owens, Auteur ; JC Kent, Auteur |We have developed a computerized breast measurement system that can quantitate both long-term (lactation cycle) and short-term (between breastfeedings) changes in breast volume. The increase in breast volume during pregnancy was not related to m[...]Article : texte imprimé
DB Cox, Auteur ; JC Kent, Auteur ; Pe Hartmann ; RA Owens, Auteur |Breast volume and morphology of eight subjects were measured before conception and at intervals throughout pregnancy until 1 month of lactation. Breast volume before conception ranged from 293 to 964 ml. At the end of pregnancy the volume of bre[...]Article : texte imprimé
JC Kent, Auteur ; L Mitoulas, Auteur ; Pe Hartmann, Auteur |Quantitative measurements were made of relative breast volume and milk production from 1 month of lactation until 3 months after weaning, and the storage capacity of the breasts was calculated. The increase in breast tissue volume from before co[...]Article : texte imprimé
T Kimura, Auteur ; Y Ito, Auteur ; A Einspanier, Auteur |The milk ejection reflex is mediated by the release of pituitary oxytocin and its interaction with specific receptors within the mammary gland. Although up-regulation of the oxytocin receptor during lactation has been shown for the rat mammary g[...]Article : texte imprimé
SE Daly, Auteur ; JC Kent, Auteur ; Pe Hartmann, Auteur |The effect of the temporal spacing and degree of milk removal by either expression or breastfeed on short-term (hour to hour) rates of milk synthesis was investigated. For four expressing mothers (three of whom had given birth prematurely), the [...]Article : texte imprimé
MD Cregan, Auteur ; TR De Mello, Auteur ; D Kershaw, Auteur |BACKGROUND: Lactogenesis II describes the onset of copious milk secretion, and the success of lactogenesis II has been determined in women by measuring the changes in the composition of mammary secretion in the immediate postpartum period. AIM A[...]Article : texte imprimé
JM Hopkinson, Auteur ; Nancy F. Butte, Auteur ; K Ellis, Auteur |The objective of this work was to compare long-term changes in bone mineral in lactating (L) and nonlactating (NL) women for 2 y postpartum. The 40 L women (mean duration of breastfeeding 345 +/- 177 d) and 36 NL women were enrolled during late [...]Article : texte imprimé
JL McManaman, Auteur ; MC Neville, Auteur |The presence of drugs or other potentially toxic materials in milk is an obvious public health risk, especially to infants and neonates. There is also increasing concern that human breast cancer is principally epigenetic in origin and results fr[...]Article : texte imprimé
Donna J. Chapman, Auteur ; R Pérez-Escamilla, Auteur |Test weighing is the "gold standard" for documenting lactogenesis stage II. However, this method is impractical for use in population studies. Maternal perception of the timing of the onset of lactation may be a useful proxy for lactogenesis sta[...]Article : texte imprimé
A Prentice, Auteur |The fluxes of the primary bone-forming minerals, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc, across the placenta and through breast milk place considerable demands on maternal mineral economy. Increases in food consumption, elevated gastrointestina[...]Article : document cartographique imprimé
DT Ramsay, Auteur ; JC Kent ; L Mitoulas, Auteur ; DA Doherty ; Pe Hartmann ; MD Cregan, Auteur |Currently there is no simple method available to assess milk ejection and breast milk flow in lactating women in both the clinical and research setting. The authors hypothesize that changes in milk flow rate are associated with milk ejection and[...]