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Breastfeeding Medicine, Vol. 13, n°2 - Mars 2018
2018Editorial - Exclusive Breastfeeding and Complementary Feedings Are Not Mutually Exclusive LactMed® Update - Treating Hypertension During Breastfeeding Clinical Research - Implementation and Organization of a Perioperative Lactation Prog[...]Article : texte imprimé
Natasha K. Sriraman, Auteur ; Kathryn Melvin, Auteur ; Samantha Maltzer-Brody, Auteur |Postpartum depression (PPD) (sometimes referred to as pregnancy-related mood disorder) is one of the most common and serious postpartum conditions, affecting 1020% of mothers within the first year of childbirth. Studies have found that up to 50[...]Article : texte imprimé
Cha-Nam Shin, Auteur ; Elizabeth Reifsnider, Auteur ; Darya McClain, Auteur |Background: Most Hispanic infants are fed formula during the first 6 weeks, and although 80% of Hispanic women initiate breastfeeding, rates of exclusive breastfeeding are much lower. Research aim: The purpose was to examine the influence o[...]Article : texte imprimé
Séverine Gojard, Auteur |En étudiant l'alimentation dans la prime enfance au moyen d'une enquête auprès de mères d'enfants de moins de trois ans, on met au jour deux modes de diffusion des règles d'alimentation des nourrissons : un mode savant, caractérisé par une faibl[...]Article : texte imprimé
Séverine Gojard, Auteur |Dans Devenir (Vol.12 n°4)Ce travail porte sur l'alimentation dans la prime enfance, et plus particulièrement sur l'allaitement. On commence par montrer qu'il s'agit d'une pratique socialement différenciée, davantage présente aux deux extrêmes de l'échelle sociale. Dans [...]Article : texte imprimé
Heidi Sze Lok Fan, Auteur ; Janet Yuen Ha Wong, Auteur ; Daniel Yee Tak Fong, Auteur ; Marie Tarrant, Auteur ; Kris Y.W Lok, Auteur |Background/Objectives: Early breastfeeding initiation is strongly recommended. Reasons for delayed breastfeeding initiation often include intrapartum interventions such as induction of labor, opioid pain medication administration, epidural analg[...]Article : texte imprimé
Leslie Kummer, Auteur ; Naomi Duke, Auteur ; Laurel Davis, Auteur ; Iris Borowsky, Auteur |Objective: To explore, in a large, nationally representative U.S. sample of children, potential independent associations between social and community factors and breastfeeding outcomes, using the Social Ecological Model as a theoretical framewor[...]Article : texte imprimé
Hadar Moran-Lev, Auteur ; Adir Farhi, Auteur ; Smadar Bauer, Auteur |Objective: Breastfeeding is considered the gold standard of infant feeding during the first year of life. However, many women experience difficulty breastfeeding and do not breastfeed to the extent that they initially planned. Our aims were to p[...]Article : texte imprimé
Yun Zhao, Auteur ; Yan-Qiong Ouyang, Auteur ; Sharon R. Redding, Auteur |Objective: To explore Chinese adults perceptions and attitudes toward breastfeeding in public places. Materials and Methods: This was a web-based survey including 10 items on breastfeeding participants (N = 2,021) who were recrui[...]Article : texte imprimé
Brittany Riley, Auteur ; Michael Schoeny, Auteur ; Laura Rogers, Auteur |Background: Although 98% of mothers in our cohort initiated human milk (HM) provision for their very lowbirthweight (VLBW) infants, fewer black infants received HM at neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) discharge than non-black infants. This st[...]Article : texte imprimé
Ardythe L. Morrow, Auteur ; Janelle McClain, Auteur ; Shannon C. Conrey, Auteur |Background: Black mothers in the United States have shorter breastfeeding (BF) durations and less exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) than others. The factors underlying these disparities require investigation. Methods: Using longitudinal data from[...]Article : texte imprimé
Laura Lauria, Auteur ; Angela Spinelli, Auteur ; Marta Buoncristiano, Auteur ; Mauro Bucciarelli, Auteur ; Enrica Pizzi, Auteur |Background: In Italy, there is no widespread standardized national monitoring system for breastfeeding practices. Research aims: To estimate breastfeeding indicators according to World Health Organization recommendations and associated soci[...]Article : texte imprimé
Tony H. Grubesic, Auteur ; Kelly M. Durbin, Auteur |Background: Clinical lactation professionals, breastfeeding peer counseling, and mother-to-mother support are important sources of information and guidance for helping mothers initiate and maintain breastfeeding in the early weeks, months, and [...]Article : texte imprimé
Doaa M. Abdel-Hady, Auteur ; Abdel-Hady El-Gilany, Auteur |Background: Calculating exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) rates based on the previous-day recall has been recommended by the World Health Organization to avoid the recall bias but it also may not accurately reflect the feeding pattern since birth an[...]Article : texte imprimé
Doris Browne, Auteur |For the first time in our history, the United States is raising a generation of children who may have sicker, shorter lives than their parents.1 Therefore, we must act now to reverse this trend. The health of a nation is gauged by its infant [...]Article : texte imprimé
Ganga L. Srinivas, Auteur ; Mary Benson, Auteur ; Sarah Worley, Auteur |Background: Whereas breastfeeding initiation rates have risen in all groups throughout the country, rates of breastfeeding duration have changed more slowly. Peer counseling has had some success in sustaining breastfeeding, but with intensive p[...]Article : texte imprimé
Tony H. Grubesic, Auteur ; Kelly M. Durbin, Auteur |Background: Breastfeeding initiation rates vary considerably across racial and ethnic groups, maternal age, and education level, yet there are limited data concerning the influence of geography on community rates of breastfeeding initiation. [...]Article : texte imprimé
Laurie B. Griffin, Auteur ; Julia D. López, Auteur ; Megan L. Ranney, Auteur |Background: Low-income women are less likely to breastfeed than high-income women. Technology-based interventions demonstrate promise in decreasing health disparities. We assessed whether increased use of breastfeeding smartphone applications (a[...]Article : texte imprimé
Lydia Furman, Auteur ; Steve Killpack, Auteur ; Lisa Matthews, Auteur |Purpose: Our objective was to pilot a method of engaging fathers/partners of high-risk inner-city mothers in breastfeeding support. Materials and Methods: Breast for Success was a breastfeeding promotion initiative with a father engagement co[...]Article : texte imprimé
Angela Johnson, Auteur ; Rosalind Kirk, Auteur ; Katherine Lisa Rosenblum, Auteur |The goals of this article are to provide a review of key interventions and strategies that impact initiation and duration of breastfeeding with particular focus on low-income African American mothers' maternal psychological vulnerabilities durin[...]Article : texte imprimé
Factors That Modify the Association of Maternal Postpartum Smoking and Exclusive Breastfeeding Rates
Rika Tanda, Auteur ; Ilana R.A. Chertok, Auteur ; Zelalem T. Haile, Auteur |Background and Objective: Maternal postpartum smoking increases the risk for poor infant health outcomes, while exclusive breastfeeding has been shown to support infant health. Limited population-based research has been published on the interact[...]Article : texte imprimé
Pregnancy should be one of the most joyful periods for a family, but for many women and their families, it can be costly and harrowing. Informal fees plus a lack of drugs, beds, and qualified healthcare workers challenge assumptions about the a[...]Article : texte imprimé
Rebecca Hoban, Auteur ; Harold Bigger, Auteur ; Aloka L. Patel, Auteur |Background: Little is known about human milk (HM) feeding goals for mothers of very low birth weight (VLBW) (Article : texte imprimé
Shera C. Thomas-Jackson, Auteur ; Gail E. Bentley, Auteur ; Kristina Keyton, Auteur |Background: Research continues to demonstrate that formula feeding is associated with numerous long-term negative outcomes for a mother and her infant. However, many women cease breastfeeding sooner than intended and recommended. Breastfeeding [...]Article : texte imprimé
Margaret G. Spinelli, Auteur ; Jean Endicott, Auteur ; Raymond R. Goetz, Auteur |There has been a considerable increase in rates of breastfeeding in the United States. Despite these trends, black women continue to fall below medical recommendations. Impoverished and poorly educated women also have a comparatively lower rate [...]