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Nathalie Roques, Auteur ; Collectif, Auteur | Ramonville Saint-Agne : Eres | Spirale, ISSN 12784699 | 2003texte imprimé
Après une première partie dans laquelle seront abordées les généralités sur l'allaitement maternel et la reprise du travail, un second volet sera consacré à la présentation de l'enquête "allait'accueil" réalisée auprès des crèches de la région R[...]Article : texte imprimé
Alexandra Lundquist, Auteur ; Brent A. McBride, Auteur ; Sharon M. Donovan, Auteur |Introduction: The childcare setting remains largely unexplored as a potential barrier to breastfeeding continuation and, therefore, the lack of interventions targeting childcare providers may be a missed opportunity for improved breastfeeding su[...]Article : texte imprimé
Laura R. Kair, Auteur ; Tarah T. Colaizy, Auteur |Background: Breastfeeding dyads frequently use pacifiers during the birth hospitalization, but the relationships between this exposure and breastfeeding continuation and exclusivity remain unclear. Materials and Methods: In this secondary ana[...]Article : texte imprimé
Breast Is Best, But According to Childcare Administrators, Not Best for the Childcare Environment
Background: Nearly 74% of U.S. mothers work full-time and employment is a cited reason for stopping breastfeeding. In the effort to increase breastfeeding duration, childcare providers could facilitate continuation of human milk feeding when mot[...]Article : texte imprimé
Women are the fastest growing population of individuals who are being incarcerated in North American correctional facilities. The majority of these women are mothers and an estimated 5% are either pregnant or have delivered an infant in the 12 m[...]Nouveauté
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Julie Smith, Auteur ; Sara Javanparast, Auteur ; Lyn Craig, Auteur |In 1999, two leading Australian academics challenged Australian universities to lead moves to better manage employees' maternity and breastfeeding needs, and 'bring babies and breasts into workplaces'. This paper addresses the question of how un[...]Article : texte imprimé
Sarbattama Sen, Auteur ; Charis Benjamin, Auteur ; Jennifer Riley, Auteur |Background: Banked donor milk (BDM) has historically been used as an alternative to formula for preterm infants. Recently, BDM has been endorsed by two national organizations for use in healthy infants. We sought to quantify utilization trends a[...]Article : texte imprimé
Article : texte imprimé
Mandy Brown Belfort, Auteur ; Kaitlin Drouin, Auteur ; Jennifer F. Riley, Auteur |Background and Objectives: Pasteurized donor human milk (donor milk) is an alternative to formula for supplementation of breastfed infants. We conducted a survey to determine (1) prevalence, trends, and hospital-level correlates of donor milk [...]