> Thérapeutique > Thérapeutique médicamenteuse > Médicament
MédicamentSynonyme(s)Traitement Médication |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (116)
Bulletin : texte imprimé
Breastfeeding Review, Vol. 26, n°3 - Novembre 2018
2018Bulletin : texte imprimé
Les Dossiers de l'Allaitement, n°160 - Juillet 2020
La Leche league France, Auteur | 2020Bulletin : texte imprimé
Breastfeeding Medicine, Vol. 13 n°4 - Mai 2018
2018Editorial - Breastfeeding and the United States Opioid Epidemic ABM Protocol - ABM Clinical Protocol #12: Transitioning the Breastfeeding Preterm Infant from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to Home, Revised 2018 LactMed® Update - Treat[...]Article : texte imprimé
Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, Auteur ; Sarah Reece-Stremtan, Auteur ; Matilde Campos, Auteur ; Lauren Kokajko, Auteur |Article : texte imprimé
Helene M Johnson, Auteur ; Katrina B. Mitchell, Auteur |Recommendations for future research related to the intersection of breast cancer and breastfeeding include the following: Establishment of a repository of breast milk from women with breast cancer to enable biospecimen studies. Retrospecti[...]Article : texte imprimé
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Riccardo Davanzo, Auteur ; Jenny Bua, Auteur ; Angela De Cunto, Auteur |The use of medications by the nursing mother is a common reason for interrupting breastfeeding. Few drugs have been demonstrated to be absolutely contraindicated during breastfeeding. Excessive caution may lead health professionals to unnecessar[...]texte imprimé
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Comité pour la promotion de l'allaitement maternel, Auteur | Montréal [Canada] : Hôpital Sainte-Justine | Parents | 1999Le lait maternel est le meilleur aliment pour le bébé. Il permet, de plus, d?établir une relation privilégiée avec lui. Ce livre a pour objectif de répondre à toutes les questions que se posent les mères. Il fournit aussi de très nombreuses indi[...]texte imprimé
"Ce précis de pratique clinique a été conçu pour assurer le soutien des professionnels qui accompagnent les familles souhaitant allaiter leur enfant. Le groupe d'auteurs (pédiatre, gynécologue, nutritionniste, pharmacien, puéricultrices, sages-f[...]texte imprimé
Les professionnels de la santé et les mères qui allaitent sont du même avis : l'allaitement, c'est ce qu'il y a de mieux. Pourtant, même les mères qui défendent le plus ardemment l'allaitement ont tendance à cesser d'allaiter après quelques sema[...]texte imprimé
L'allaitement maternel étant la norme biologique de l'espèce humaine, les parents devraient avoir accès à toute l'information disponible sur le sujet, afin de pouvoir faire un choix éclairé. Cet ouvrage contribue à les aider en passant en revue [...]Article : texte imprimé
Most antiepileptic drugs that have breastfeeding information reported appear to be acceptable to use during breastfeeding as single agents. Long-term follow-up data indicate that maternal carbamazepine, lamotrigine, phenytoin, and valproate caus[...]Article : texte imprimé
Many drugs are being investigated for treatment of COVID-19. The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics maintains an excellent, periodically updated and well-referenced table of anti-COVID-19 drugs that is free to download.1 Additional informa[...]Article : texte imprimé
Heidi Sze Lok Fan, Auteur ; Janet Yuen Ha Wong, Auteur ; Daniel Yee Tak Fong, Auteur ; Marie Tarrant, Auteur ; Kris Y.W Lok, Auteur |Background/Objectives: Early breastfeeding initiation is strongly recommended. Reasons for delayed breastfeeding initiation often include intrapartum interventions such as induction of labor, opioid pain medication administration, epidural analg[...]Article : texte imprimé
Ayako Nishimura, Auteur ; Ayako Furugen, Auteur ; Takeshi Umazume, Auteur |Objective: Benzodiazepines are common therapies for mental illness and insomnia, and are used during pregnancy and lactation. Although benzodiazepines have been shown to be transferred into breast milk, the amount transferred is small and compat[...]texte imprimé
Micheline Beaudry, Auteur ; Sylvie Chiasson, Auteur ; Julie Lauzière, Auteur | Presses de l'Université du Québec | 2006A la fin des années 1960, l?allaitement maternel semblait menacé de disparition dans les sociétés industrialisées. Aux cours des décennies subséquentes, la recrudescence de cette pratique et l?intensification de la recherche sur de nombreux aspe[...]Article : texte imprimé
Lillian C. Tsai, Auteur ; Therese Jung Doan, Auteur |Although there is an abundance of interventional studies to increase breastfeeding rates, little is known about how to support and promote breastfeeding among mothers on opioid maintenance treatment (OMT). The studies on maternal OMT mainly focu[...]texte imprimé
Each new print copy includes Navigate 2 Preferred Access that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook and Navigate 2 TestPrep. Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, Enhanced Fifth Edition continues as the leading reference for the latest clin[...]texte imprimé
Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, Second Edition is the most current and complete examination of breastfeeding and human lactation on the market today. Recognized as the authority on this subject, the second edition provides the comprehensive r[...]texte imprimé
"Sadly, women often feel they have no alternative but to give up breastfeeding, having been prescribed or purchased medication. In many cases, however, this is unnecessary. This book outlines the evidence base for the use of medication during br[...]Article : texte imprimé
Perhaps of greater immediate concern in the United States is the treatment of season influenza. As of February 21, 2020, 342 women of childbearing age (1544 years) had been hospitalized in the United States with influenza during the current flu[...]Article : texte imprimé
Breastfeeding is discouraged in women with HIV in high-income countries, but this guidance is beginning to be questioned by some. Although transmission of HIV infection to infants is low with appropriate therapy, it is not zero. U.S. guidelines [...]texte imprimé
"Description The most authoritative, trusted guide to breastfeeding for the medical profession Key Features : Stay informed on every aspect of breastfeeding, from basic data on the anatomical, physiological, biochemical, nutritional, immun[...]Article : texte imprimé
Older drugs for MS, such as glatiramer, interferon beta, IVIG and methylprednisolone, appear to be acceptable to use during breastfeeding. The newer monoclonal antibodies, natalizumab and rituximab appear promising in breastfeeding, but safety i[...]Article : texte imprimé
Nicole Yonke, Auteur ; Rebekah Maston, Auteur |Background: Women taking methadone or buprenorphine are encouraged to breastfeed if stable without polysubstance use. Research Aim: We aimed to determine the difference between stated intention to breastfeed prenatally in women taking metha[...]texte imprimé
This is a comprehensive and practical guide to all aspects of breastfeeding babies with special care needs. The language is clear and direct and references up-to-date. The author covers the basics of breastfeeding and lactation, positioning and [...]Article : texte imprimé
Most drugs used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease are compatible with breastfeeding. One exception is tofacitinib that requires cessation of breastfeeding if it is used. The use of weekly methotrexate is controversial. Although no a[...]Article : texte imprimé
Elizabeth Hegedus, Auteur ; Diana J. Oakes, Auteur ; Majella Hill, Auteur ; Helen E. Ritchie, Auteur ; Debra S. Kennedy, Auteur |Background: MotherSafe is a free telephone-based counseling service for Australian consumers and health care providers concerned about drug exposures during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Calls relating to breastfeeding are relatively common and a[...]Article : texte imprimé
A. Strauss, Auteur ; Adetola Louis-Jacques, Auteur ; La Leche League France, Traducteur |Article : texte imprimé
A Lee, Auteur ; ME Moretti, Auteur ; A Collantes, Auteur |Objective. To examine the gap between the current social/medical practice and the evidence-based recommendation in favor of breastfeeding during maternal propylthiouracil (PTU) therapy. Design. Prospective, observational, cohort study. Subjects.[...]Article : texte imprimé
Choosing Medication Alternatives During Breastfeeding, Avoiding Alternative Facts : LactMed ® Update
Most drugs studied in nursing mothers present a low risk for the breastfed infant. But some drugs have more suitable alternatives available, often because of more extensive published safety data. In these cases, similar medications are listed in[...]Article : texte imprimé
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Philip O. Anderson, Auteur ; Palika Datta, Auteur ; Peter Gerrit Johannes ter Horst, Auteur |Article : texte imprimé
L Paskulin, Auteur ; M. Paulzen, Auteur ; S. Aurora, Auteur ; Bhaskari Burra, Auteur |Article : texte imprimé
S. LaHue, Auteur ; JP Gisbert, Auteur ; M. Chaparro, Auteur ; La Leche League France, Traducteur |Article : texte imprimé
Gagan Priya, Auteur ; Sanjay Kalra, Auteur ; Ei Mon Phyo Lwin, Auteur ; Madeline E. Duke, Auteur |Article : texte imprimé
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"Indispensable au comptoir, cet ouvrage de poche vous accompagnera au quotidien et vous aidera à conseiller rapidement et efficacement vos patientes. Les informations fournies sur les bienfaits de l'allaitement, la physiologie et sa conduite op[...]texte imprimé
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Domperidone is a drug that seems to evoke reactions from lactation professionals ranging from consternation to anger, and in the extreme, to conspiracy theories about backroom deals between regulators and infant formula companies. Although compl[...]Article : texte imprimé
Drugs are not the preferred method of weight loss, and information on them during breastfeeding is almost nonexistent. Several of them might cause adverse effects on the infant or on lactation itself. Nonabsorbable products such as orlistat and [...]Article : texte imprimé
Several genetic diseases have had advances in treatment, including some new drugs. This column will focus on a few of these drug therapies and their implications for breastfeeding. More detailed information and references on specific drugs can b[...]