Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (10)

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"Sadly, women often feel they have no alternative but to give up breastfeeding, having been prescribed or purchased medication. In many cases, however, this is unnecessary. This book outlines the evidence base for the use of medication during br[...]Article : texte imprimé
Lisa H. Amir, Auteur ; Kath Ryan, Auteur ; Clare Barnett, Auteur |Introduction: There are currently no common guidelines used by health professionals to aid decision-making around the use of medicines during breastfeeding. Several specialized books, Web sites, and drug information services exist; however, all [...]texte imprimé
La prescription de produits pharmaceutiques chez la femme enceinte doit respecter la double règle qui veut que, d'une part, l'on privilégie la prise en charge de la future mère dont la vie est en danger plutôt que celle du foetus, et d'autre par[...]Article : texte imprimé
Poppy extract accompanied the human infant for more than 3 millenia. Motives for its use included excessive crying, suspected pain, and diarrhea. In antiquity, infantile sleeplessness was regarded as a disease. When treatment with opium was reco[...]Article : texte imprimé
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Ce guide s?ouvre sur une présentation de la physiologie de la lactation et de la pharmacocinétique des médicaments appliquée à la période de l?allaitement maternel. La prescription des médicaments en période d?allaitement est ensuite abordée par[...]Article : texte imprimé
Marita De Waard, Auteur ; Birgit S. Blomjous, Auteur ; Marinka L.F. Hol, Auteur |"Background: Medication use during pregnancy and lactation can be unavoidable, but knowledge on safety for the fetus or breastfed infant is limited among patients and healthcare providers. Research aim: This study aimed to determine (a) the[...]texte imprimé
Thomas W. Hale, Auteur | 2002Medications and Mother's Milk is now considered the classic reference source for evaluationg the use of medications in breastfeeding mothers. It contains the most extensive and comprehensive information on medications and their use in breastfeed[...]