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Riccardo Davanzo, Auteur ; Jenny Bua, Auteur ; Angela De Cunto, Auteur |The use of medications by the nursing mother is a common reason for interrupting breastfeeding. Few drugs have been demonstrated to be absolutely contraindicated during breastfeeding. Excessive caution may lead health professionals to unnecessar[...]Article : texte imprimé
Simona Di Mario, Auteur ; Adriano Cattaneo, Auteur ; Carlo Gagliotti, Auteur |Background: The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative aims at protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding. Cesarean section is known to represent an obstacle to breastfeeding. In this observational study we compared Baby-Friendly and nonBab[...]Article : texte imprimé
Valentina Giuffra, Auteur ; Gino Fornaciari, Auteur |Exploration of the Medici Chapels in the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence, Italy, revealed the burials of nine infantile members of the Medici family. Eight children were found in the intact tomb of the last Grand Duke GianGastone (16711737)[...]Article : texte imprimé
Irene Cetin, Auteur ; Paola Assandro, Auteur ; Maddalena Massari, Auteur |As more women breastfeed for longer, it is increasingly likely that women may be still breastfeeding when they become pregnant again. The Italian Society of Perinatal Medicine (SIMP) Working Group on Breastfeeding has reviewed the literature to [...]Article : texte imprimé
Laura Lauria, Auteur ; Angela Spinelli, Auteur ; Marta Buoncristiano, Auteur ; Mauro Bucciarelli, Auteur ; Enrica Pizzi, Auteur |Background: In Italy, there is no widespread standardized national monitoring system for breastfeeding practices. Research aims: To estimate breastfeeding indicators according to World Health Organization recommendations and associated soci[...]Article : texte imprimé
Anna Macaluso, Auteur ; Maria Enrica Bettinelli, Auteur ; Elise M. Chapin, Auteur |Aim: This study reports the research methods and baseline data of a project aimed at assessing the effect of an intervention based on the 7 Steps of the Baby Friendly Community Initiative (BFCI) on the rate of exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months[...]Article : texte imprimé
Sofia Colaceci, Auteur ; Angela Giusti, Auteur ; Elise M. Chapin, Auteur |Introduction: Breastfeeding training has a crucial role in increasing healthcare professionals' attitudes and in improving professional support for breastfeeding. The collaboration between the Italian National Institute of Health, UNICEF, and th[...]Article : texte imprimé
Riccardo Davanzo, Auteur ; Tamara Strajn, Auteur ; Jacqueline Kennedy, Auteur |Determination of the optimal timing of breastfeeding initiation for preterm infants is still a challenge for health professionals. Often unjustified delays and restrictions of breastfeeding occur due to non-evidence-based current opinions about [...]Article : texte imprimé
Paola Agnese Mauri, Auteur ; Marta Soldi, Auteur ; Ivan Cortinovis, Auteur |The aim of this study is to identify some characteristics of women who, before having delivered their babies, decide not to breastfeed. To date there are no Italian studies trying to understand characteristics and reasons of mothers who do not w[...]Article : texte imprimé
Riccardo Davanzo, Auteur ; Angela De Cunto, Auteur ; Giulia Paviotti, Auteur |Early and prolonged skin-to-skin contact (SSC) after birth between a mother and her newborn has been shown to generate beneficial effects on the mother-infant relationship and breastfeeding. Close mother-infant body contact immediately after bir[...]Article : texte imprimé
Roberto Antonucci, Auteur ; Laura Cuzzolin, Auteur ; Alessandra Manconi, Auteur |Background: Usually, no adverse effects are observed in breastfed infants whose mothers are treated with the anti-epileptic carbamazepine. In this article, we described unusual short-term adverse effects observed in a young infant after exposure[...]Article : texte imprimé
Sofia Colaceci, Auteur ; Angela Giusti, Auteur ; Alessia De Angelis, Auteur |Background: In cases of pharmacotherapy, mothers are confronted with the dilemma of breastfeeding and giving up the medication or discontinuing breastfeeding in order to take the drug, thus avoiding any potential risk for the infants. Object[...]Article : texte imprimé
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Le sommeil du jeune enfant est devenu une des grandes préoccupations de la famille moderne occidentale, puisqu?il apparaît que les pédiatres, psychologues et pédopsychiatres sont de plus en plus souvent consultés pour des troubles du sommeil et [...]Article : texte imprimé
Giuseppe De Nisi, Auteur ; Guido E. Moro, Auteur ; Sertac Arslanoglu, Auteur |Background: At present, the Italian Association of Donor Human Milk Banks (Associazione Italiana Banche del Latte Umano Donato, AIBLUD) consists of 31 milk banks, whose management is based on Italian Guidelines. In 2013, AIBLUD performed a syst[...]Article : texte imprimé
A systematic review of literature regarding the characteristics and motivations of breastmilk donors
Lucia Kundisova, Auteur ; Gloria Bocci, Auteur ; Marco Golfera, Auteur ; Lucia Alaimo, Auteur ; Nicola Nante, Auteur |Background: Breastmilk's nutritional properties have been known to humanity for centuries. Human milk banks are institutions providing donor human milk to babies with limited access to breastfeeding, especially preterm babies. Research aim: [...]