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Hazel Gardner, Auteur ; Jacqueline C. Kent, Auteur ; Peter E. Hartmann, Auteur |Background: Milk production is under the influence of autocrine control such that the rate of milk synthesis decreases as the breast fills with milk. Effective elimination of milk from the alveoli via the milk ejection reflex will therefore res[...]document électronique
Site sur la glande mammaire. Chapitre sur la biologie de la lactation.Article : texte imprimé
R Pescatore, Auteur ; Faruk Uguz, Auteur ; S Jansen, Auteur ; RA Waldman, Auteur ; J Avila-Vega, Auteur ; La Leche League France, Traducteur |Article : texte imprimé
MT Cabezuelo, Auteur ; JD Galley, Auteur ; P. Dong, Auteur ; La Leche League France, Traducteur |Article : texte imprimé
T Kimura, Auteur ; Y Ito, Auteur ; A Einspanier, Auteur |The milk ejection reflex is mediated by the release of pituitary oxytocin and its interaction with specific receptors within the mammary gland. Although up-regulation of the oxytocin receptor during lactation has been shown for the rat mammary g[...]Article : texte imprimé
Beyond its nutritional value, human milk is also involved in a complex hostmicrobe interaction by promoting the colonization of a healthy gut microbiota in the infant. The initial gut microbiome can be influenced by a variety of factors, such a[...]Article : texte imprimé
Among women who do not produce enough milk to exclusively breastfeed their infants, some appear to have their milk production limited by their volume of mammary glandular tissue. Sparse breast glandular tissue leading to low milk production has [...]Article : texte imprimé
JL McManaman, Auteur ; MC Neville, Auteur |The presence of drugs or other potentially toxic materials in milk is an obvious public health risk, especially to infants and neonates. There is also increasing concern that human breast cancer is principally epigenetic in origin and results fr[...]Article : texte imprimé
Article : texte imprimé
Article : texte imprimé
Background: Severe breast engorgement can cause substantial discomfort for mothers and interfere with an infant's ability to feed at the breast. The aim of the study was to clarify the possibility that the percutaneous progesterone-containing ge[...]Article : texte imprimé
"(..)Les seins ont une dimension à la fois maternelle et érotique. Trop souvent réduits à leur simple aspect esthétique, les seins sont de véritables merveilles biologiques. Ce dossier offre une exploration de cet organe pair hors du commun."Article : texte imprimé
Stépanie Larson, Auteur ; Sara Yang, Auteur ; Alexandra Chacko-Stacey, Auteur |Introduction During the postpartum period, breast engorgement in preparation for lactation may trigger the onset of vulvar labial nodules that present with pain and discomfort. These labial nodules may originate from ectopic breast tissue and c[...]Article : texte imprimé
Lynn S. Chollet-Hinton, Auteur ; Alison M. Stuebe, Auteur ; Patricia Casbas-Hernandez, Auteur |A longer lifetime duration of breastfeeding may decrease the risk of breast cancer by reducing breast inflammation and mitigating inflammatory cytokine expression during postlactational involution. However, little is known about how the inflamma[...]