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Bulletin : texte imprimé
Les Dossiers de l'Allaitement, n°155 - Février 2020
La Leche league France, Auteur | 2020SOMMAIRE Cas cliniques p.1 Troubles musculo-squelettiques à lorigine de problèmes dallaitement douloureux p.1 Suspicion de sévère entérocolite induite par les protéines du lait de vache excrétées dans le lait maternel 2 Tissu mammaire a[...]texte imprimé
Marie-Dominique Marie-Linder, Auteur ; Catherine Maupas-Morera, Auteur | Hachette Pratique | Parents | 1997Article : texte imprimé
Amy M. Johnson, Auteur ; Alissa Correll, Auteur ; John F. Greene, Auteur |Despite the known health benefits for mother and infant, compliance with exclusive breastfeeding continues to challenge many healthcare providers. In an ongoing attempt to maintain the goals of the Healthy People 2010 initiative, our institution[...]Article : texte imprimé
Kristen Mitchell-Box, Auteur ; Kathryn L. Braun, Auteur ; Eric L. Hurwitz, Auteur |Breastfeeding is considered the best infant feeding method, yet initiation and duration rates in the United States are lower than recommended by medical and public health professionals. Positive attitudes toward breastfeeding of the male partner[...]Article : texte imprimé
The role fathers play in the lives of their children is, as any behavior, dependent on their knowledge of factors influencing the health and safety of children and the societal context in which those fathers live, work, and worship. In the conte[...]Article : texte imprimé
Heather L. Sipsma, Auteur ; Anna A. Divney, Auteur ; Urania Magriples, Auteur |Background: Rates of breastfeeding remain disproportionately low among young mothers in the United States. Although breastfeeding behavior may be most directly related to breastfeeding intention, little is known about breastfeeding intentions am[...]Article : texte imprimé
Elizabeth McGuire, Auteur ; Helene M Johnson, Auteur ; Katrina B. Mitchell, Auteur ; T Nakamura, Auteur |texte imprimé
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Article : texte imprimé
Lydia Furman, Auteur ; Steve Killpack, Auteur ; Lisa Matthews, Auteur |Purpose: Our objective was to pilot a method of engaging fathers/partners of high-risk inner-city mothers in breastfeeding support. Materials and Methods: Breast for Success was a breastfeeding promotion initiative with a father engagement co[...]Article : texte imprimé
David L. Bell, Auteur |In 2016, Promundo released the State of America's Fathers. Fathers have increased time they spend with their children by 65% over past 30 years. Women spend average of 66 minutes a day providing physical care to children; men spend less than hal[...]Article : texte imprimé
Elisabete Alves, Auteur ; Raquel Magano, Auteur ; Mariana Amorim, Auteur |Background: Successful human milk supply in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) requires the development of family-centered services. Objective: This study aimed to assess parent perceptions of factors that help or hinder providing human [...]Article : texte imprimé
Min Su, Auteur ; Yan-Qiong Ouyang, Auteur |Aims: The aims of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention involving fathers on breastfeeding initiation and exclusive breastfeeding rate, and to explore mothers' perceptions of their partners' support of brea[...]Article : texte imprimé
Jordyn T. Wallenborn, Auteur ; David C. Wheeler, Auteur ; Juan Lu, Auteur ; Robert A. Perera, Auteur ; Saba W. Masho, Auteur |Background: Multiple types of individuals compose a mother's social support network. Women may value opinions of individuals' within their support network differently. Our study examined the relationship between breastfeeding opinions from indiv[...]Article : texte imprimé
Influence of Partner Support on an Employed Mother's Intention to Breastfeed After Returning to Work
Su-Ying Tsai, Auteur |Background: Despite the increasing number of large companies complying with the demands for a breastfeeding-friendly workplace, providing on-site lactation support, some mothers still find continuing to breastfeed a challenge. We postulated that[...]Article : texte imprimé
Anita Esquerra-Zwiers, Auteur ; Beverly Rossman, Auteur ; Paula Meier, Auteur |Background: Pasteurized donor human milk (DHM), rather than preterm infant formula, is recommended for premature infants when mothers milk is not available. Objective: This study explored the maternal decision-making process in providing c[...]Article : texte imprimé
Narges Alianmoghaddam, Auteur ; Suzanne Phibbs, Auteur ; Cheryl Benn, Auteur |Aim: Little research has been done to investigate the influence of male family members' support for breastfeeding. This article considers the influence of male partners and other male family members on the initiation and duration of exclusive br[...]Article : texte imprimé
Rebecca E. Mueffelmann, Auteur ; Elisabeth F. Racine, Auteur ; Jan Warren-Findlow, Auteur |Background: Breastfeeding intention is a significant predictor of initiation and duration. The decision to breastfeed may be influenced by the opinions of family and friends. Objective: This study aimed to examine the relationship between m[...]Article : texte imprimé
Article : texte imprimé
Dorothy Li Bai, Auteur ; Daniel Yee Tak Fong, Auteur ; Kris Y.W Lok, Auteur |Background: The relationship between support from members of a mothers social network and breastfeeding continuation is receiving increased attention. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to describe the infant feeding preferences[...]Article : texte imprimé
Shimrit Keddem, Auteur ; Rosemary Frasso, Auteur ; Melissa Dichter, Auteur |Background: Although breastfeeding is associated with proven benefits to both mother and child, there are many factors that influence a mothers decision to breastfeed. Pregnancy intentionality at the time of conception is associated with postp[...]Article : texte imprimé
Dror Mandel, Auteur ; Françis B. Mimouni, Auteur |Expressed Breast Milk (EBM) is increasingly used throughout the developed world. In 2013, it was estimated that ∼25% of mothers in the United States express regularly their milk, and close to 40% do it occasionally, whereas most of the 6 m[...]Article : texte imprimé
Heather B. Edelblute, Auteur ; Claire E. Altman, Auteur |Background: Behaviors related to early childhood nutrition are influenced by a mother's social environment. In many low- and middle-income countries, breastfeeding rates have steadily declined. At the same time, many communities have a history o[...]Article : document cartographique imprimé
Beryne Mikal Odeny, Auteur ; James Pfeiffer, Auteur ; Carey Farquhar, Auteur |Background: Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) means giving only breast milk to an infant. Although it is the optimal mode of feeding for infants younger than 6 months, its prevalence is low in HIV-endemic regions. Extensive promotion of EBF for 6 mo[...]Article : texte imprimé
Angela Kwartemaa Acheampong, Auteur ; Florence Naab, Auteur ; Adzo Kwashie, Auteur |Background: The World Health Organization recommends that HIV-positive mothers should breastfeed for at least 1 year. There are people in the lives of these mothers who influence their decisions. Research aim: The aim was to explore the rol[...]