Difficultés de l'allaitementVoir aussi |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (82)
Bulletin : texte imprimé
Journal of Human Lactation, Vol. 35, n°2 - Mai 2019
2019Bulletin : texte imprimé
Les Dossiers de l'Allaitement, n°158 - Mai 2020
La Leche league France, Auteur | 2020SOMMAIRE : Cas cliniques Problèmes de déglutition chez les bébés allaités Traitement dune sinusite avec du lait humain chez une patiente souffrant dun lymphome Le dossier du mois Lait humain et chrononutrition : implication pour la s[...]Bulletin : texte imprimé
Hot Milk, n°10 - Hiver 2017
2017Bulletin : texte imprimé
Breastfeeding Review, Vol. 26, n°3 - Novembre 2018
2018Bulletin : texte imprimé
Les Dossiers de l'Allaitement, n°157 - Avril 2020
La Leche league France, Auteur | 2020SOMMAIRE : Cas cliniques 1 Allaitement par une mère ayant des antécédents de maladie de Basedow 1 Allaitement avant et après une lésion médullaire ayant induit une tétraplégie 2 Candidose mammaire 3 Traitement dune fistule lactée avec pr[...]Article : texte imprimé
Jessica O. Boyce, Auteur ; Sheena Reilly, Auteur ; Jemma Skeat, Auteur |When a cleft lip (CL) occurs, the lip is not contiguous, and when a cleft palate (CP) occurs, there is communication between the oral and nasal cavities (see Fig. 1 for a completely formed lip and palate).1 CL may involve the lip only; lip and a[...]texte imprimé
Cécile Boscher, Auteur ; Sandrine Boudault, Auteur ; Julie Hamdan, Auteur | Paris [France] : ellipses | 2017"Lallaitement maternel est la forme dalimentation la plus adaptée pour les nourrissons et les jeunes enfants. Pourtant, la durée de lallaitement en France est particulièrement courte par rapport à celle de la plupart des pays développés et ne[...]Article : texte imprimé
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Lesptitesmainsdabord, Auteur ; Maman Lune, Auteur ; Axelle Camus, Auteur | Lesptitesmainsdabord | 2018"Suite à leurs allaitements, leurs recherches et leurs lectures, les auteures des blogs Lesptitesmainsdabord et Maman Lune ont réuni leurs écrits dans ce livre. Avec la participation de Axelle Camus, chiropracteur et maman allaitante. Un[...]texte imprimé
"Allaiter ou donner le biberon ? Toute femme enceinte est confrontée à ce choix. Évident pour certaines, il est compliqué pour dautres dautant que les idées reçues sont légion : lait maternel pas assez nourrissant, pratique douloureuse, sevrag[...]Article : texte imprimé
Jill R. Demirci, Auteur ; Debra L. Bogen, Auteur |Background: Primiparous women are at risk for early, unintended breastfeeding reduction and cessation. Breastfeeding patterns that contribute to these outcomes require further exploration. Research aim: This study aimed to describe early, [...]Article : texte imprimé
Alice Burrell, Auteur ; Anne M. Kueter, Auteur ; Sujan Ariful, Auteur |Background Since 25 August, 2017 over 693,000 Rohingya have been forced from Myanmar due to mass violence, seeking refuge in neighboring Bangladesh. Nutritional surveys during 2017 revealed worrying levels of malnutrition and poor infant feedin[...]Article : texte imprimé
Yasutuka Kuniyoshi, Auteur ; Masahiro Kikuya, Auteur ; Hiroko Matsubara, Auteur ; Mami Ishikuro, Auteur ; Taku Obara, Auteur ; Shigeo Kure, Auteur ; Schinichi Kuriyama, Auteur |Backgrounds: The effect of breastfeeding on weight status of individuals after a large-scale natural disaster in a developed country is unclear. We aimed to investigate the association of breastfeeding with childhood overweight and/or obesity in[...]Article : texte imprimé
Alison K. Ventura, Auteur ; Brittany Lore, Auteur ; Olga Mireles, Auteur |Background Mothers with anatomic variability (e.g., shorter, wider nipples; denser areolas) may experience breastfeeding challenges disproportionately. Research aim To examine whether variations in breast anatomy are associated with risk fo[...]texte imprimé
Katja Loggen, Éditeur scientifique ; Brigitte Sparnaaij, Illustrateur | La Leche League Nederland | 2018"Breastfeeding is the logical continuation of pregnancy and childbirth. It is the most natural and effective way to feed , protect and nurture a baby. Breasfeeding illustrated covers a large number of breasrfeeding topics with the help of illus[...]Article : texte imprimé
The relationship between breastfeeding and a new mothers mental health is complicated (Ahn & Corwin, 2015; Castro Dias & Figueiredo, 2015; Pope, Mazmanian, Bédard, & Sharma, 2016). For every study demonstrating that breastfeeding protects a new[...]Article : texte imprimé
Iva Burinova, Auteur ; Katarina Kulihova, Auteur ; Veronika Vitkova, Auteur |Background: Goals of treatment of orofacial cleft are to improve feeding, speech, hearing, and facial appearance. Early surgery brings faster healing, better cosmetic effect, and fewer complications. Breastfeeding rates after early surgery are [...]Article : texte imprimé
Figen Alp Yilmaz, Auteur ; Ayse Sener Taplak, Auteur ; Polat Sevinç, Auteur |Background: Breastfeeding is the ideal source of nutrition for infants. Breastfeeding can affect sexual activity and sexual quality of women in the postpartum period. Objective: The present study was carried out to determine the effect of bre[...]Article : texte imprimé
A significant body of research has looked at the issues of lactation failure. Outcomes include failure of the mother to reach her intended breastfeeding goals as well as complete lactation failure. Studies have reported the views of physicians, [...]texte imprimé
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Laurence Mangel, Auteur ; Françis B. Mimouni, Auteur ; Dror Mandel, Auteur |Objective: We examined the influence of maternal body mass index (BMI), and of breast and nipple anatomic variations, on breastfeeding difficulties and duration. Methods: In this prospective observational study, we collected demographic and a[...]Article : texte imprimé
Jordyn T. Wallenborn, Auteur ; Whitney C. Graves, Auteur ; Saba W. Masho, Auteur |Background: Approximately 90% of mothers with a primary C-section have a subsequent C-section. To date, research has demonstrated that primary C-sections are associated with breastfeeding noninitiation. However, it is unknown if this association[...]texte imprimé
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Nicole Yonke, Auteur ; Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez, Auteur ; Lawrence Leeman, Auteur ; Yuridia Leyva, Auteur ; Alyssa Ortega, Auteur ; Ludmila Bakhireva, Auteur |Background: Women with opioid use disorder (OUD) are encouraged to breastfeed, but have lower breastfeeding rates than the general population. Objective: We examined self-reported barriers and motivators for breastfeeding in women with OUD an[...]Article : document cartographique imprimé
Elizabeth McGuire, Auteur ; Pia, G. Sappl, Auteur |As more effective treatments for cystic fibrosis [CF) have become available, so the life expectancy of people with CF has extended and it is now common for women with CF to face the decision of whether to have children. For women with CF, pregna[...]Article : texte imprimé
Charlotte Grinberg, Auteur ; Rebecca Scott, Auteur ; Armond Goldman, Auteur ; Gilbert J. Grant, Auteur |Article : texte imprimé
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T. Kobayashi, Auteur ; K. Uvnas-Moberg, Auteur ; K. Kendall-Tacket, Auteur ; M. Jaseem Hassan, Auteur |Article : texte imprimé
Stefanie I Rosin, Auteur ; IBCLC, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Auteur ; PhD, Auteur |Introduction: This case of a mother and her two children, born 20 years apart, highlights how Biological Nurturing (BN) supported a woman in meeting her personal breastfeeding goals. We know lack of breastfeeding support contributes to early we[...]texte imprimé
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Christian J Fludder, Auteur ; Jenelle Bourgeois, Auteur |There are many reasons for the cessation of exclusive breastfeeding prior to the recommended age of 6 months, one being breastfeeding difficulty. This case study chronicles one case of a 4-week-old presenting to a chiropractic clinic with breast[...]Article : texte imprimé
Vasfiye Bayram Deger, Auteur ; Meliksah Ertem, Auteur ; Sema Çifçi, Auteur |Background: The World Health Organization recommends that babies be breastfed within the first hour of delivery and that they should exclusively be given breast milk in the first 6 months. The aim of this study was to ascertain the breastfeeding[...]Article : texte imprimé
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Ryan D. Walker, Auteur ; Susan Messing, Auteur ; Casey Rosen-Carole, Auteur |Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the normal lingual frenulum anatomy in newborns and to evaluate tipfrenulum distance as an objective diagnostic tool for identifying newborns at risk for anterior and posterior tongue tie [...]Article : texte imprimé
Tamara L. Ureno, Auteur ; Cristóbal S. Berry-Cabán, Auteur ; Ashley Adams, Auteur ; Toni L. Buchheit, Auteur ; Susan G. Hopkinson, Auteur |Introduction: Dysphoric milk ejection reflex (D-MER) is emerging as a recognized phenomenon to describe an abrupt dysphoria, or undesirable feeling that occurs with the milk ejection reflex (MER) and then goes away after a few minutes. The purpo[...]Article : texte imprimé
Margot A. Hankel, Auteur ; Florentina C. Kunseler, Auteur ; Mirjam Oosterman, Auteur |Objective: Breastfeeding can be challenging for new mothers. Women with high breastfeeding self-efficacy are more likely to breastfeed with confidence and are more likely to succeed in breastfeeding. The aim of this prospective longitudinal stud[...]Article : texte imprimé
Examining the Baby Café Model and Mothers' Breastfeeding Duration, Meeting of Goals, and Exclusivity
Lucia A. Jenkins, Auteur ; Katie Barnes, Auteur ; Angela Latter, Auteur ; Roger A. Edwards, Auteur |Objective: Accessible community lactation support impacts a woman's breastfeeding success by offering timely intervention and solutions, thereby allowing mothers to achieve breastfeeding goals and improve overall breastfeeding rates. Although th[...]Article : texte imprimé
Luke E. Grzeskowiak, Auteur ; Julia A. Dalton, Auteur ; Andrea L. Fielder, Auteur |Background: Insufficient milk supply is 1 of the most commonly reported reasons for discontinuation of infant breastfeeding. Although domperidone is often used to improve milk supply, knowledge of factors associated with the use of domperidone [...]Article : texte imprimé
Sigrid Ladores, Auteur ; Karen Aroian, Auteur |Background: The meaning of breastfeeding and breastfeeding experiences has been studied extensively in general and specific populations. However, there is little research about the meaning of breastfeeding and breastfeeding experiences in first[...]Article : texte imprimé
Anjana Srinivasan, Auteur ; Alex Al Khoury, Auteur ; Svetlana Puzhko, Auteur |Background: Infant tongue-tie can cause breastfeeding problems, which may be improved by frenotomy. However, controversy exists among the medical community. Research aim: To examine the influence of frenotomy on infants with posterior ankyl[...]Article : texte imprimé
Lacey Nelson, Auteur ; Navin Prasad, Auteur ; Michelle M. Lally, Auteur |Purpose: The protocol for postoperative follow-up time after lingual frenotomy in breastfeeding infants with ankyloglossia was changed from 2 weeks to 1 week at our institution. This study examined the impact of this change in practice on frenot[...]texte imprimé
This book is a practical guide for medical practitioners as they navigate through breastfeeding problems that occur in day-to-day practice. If mothers have a breastfeeding complication they are often directed to their GP. In complex situation[...]Article : texte imprimé
Herbal medication use during breastfeeding has not been well studied, but a few cases of adverse reactions in breastfed infants have been reported. Herbals can adversely affect the nursing mother in several ways, including direct adverse effects[...]Article : texte imprimé
Viviane S. Coentro, Auteur ; SL Perrella, Auteur ; Ching Tat Lai, Auteur |Background: Nipple pain is a common cause of early cessation of breastfeeding. A nipple shield (shield) is often used to improve breastfeeding comfort. There are concerns that shield use may limit milk transfer. The aims of this study were to de[...]Article : texte imprimé
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Mariana do Rêgo Barros de Andrade Fraga, Auteur ; Kamila Azoubel Barreto, Auteur ; Thaís Christine Barbosa Lira, Auteur ; Valdenice Aparecida de Menezes, Auteur |Background: Ankyloglossia is characterized by abnormal tongue movements that can possibly interfere with breastfeeding due to incorrect latching, pain, nipple fissure, and ineffective suction. Objective: To determine the prevalence of ankylog[...]Article : texte imprimé
Shaul Dollberg, Auteur ; Ronella Marom, Auteur ; Eyal Botzer, Auteur |Introduction: Breastfeeding difficulties are sometimes attributable to tongue-tie with short-term relief after frenotomy. Limited follow-up is available, and predictors for nonsuccessful frenotomy have not yet been found. Patients and Methods[...]texte imprimé
"Worried about making enough milk for your baby? Get the help you need with this practical guide from two lactation experts. Since publication of this low milk supply bible a decade ago, new insights and better ways to maximize milk productio[...]Article : texte imprimé
Judith Russell, Auteur ; Rosemary King, Auteur |Hyperlactation refers to excessive breastmilk production over and above the infant's needs. It may cause a range of distressing and uncomfortable symptoms for mother and infant, potentially affecting breastfeeding duration. The majority of cases[...]Article : texte imprimé
International Board Certified Lactation Consultants are well aware of the breastfeeding challenges experienced by some women who give birth by cesarean delivery. What can be done to help overcome, or possibly prevent, some of these challenges? T[...]Article : texte imprimé
Gao Yajun, Auteur ; Ma Xiangjun, Auteur |Background: Several Chinese mothers experience problems related to their breasts during breastfeeding and are referred to hospitals for treatment after a massage by a cuirushi. Some of these patients develop large breast abscesses. Notably, th[...]Article : texte imprimé
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Objective: The prevalence of a lingual frenulum in newborn infants is reportedly 0.312%. The purpose of this study was to describe the prevalence of a lingual frenulum based on the Coryllos classification in nonselected newborn infants after de[...]Article : texte imprimé
As soon as the infant is dressed, many nurses are in the habit of dosing it with castor oil, or honey of roses and almond oil. This is objectionable on many accounts; it is quite uncalled for so early, and it may be altogether unnecessary if the[...]Article : texte imprimé
Bobak A. Ghaheri, Auteur ; Melissa Cole, Auteur ; Jess C. Mace, Auteur |Background: Lingual frenotomy improves patient-reported outcome measures, including infant reflux and maternal nipple pain, and prolongs the nursing relationship; however, many motherinfant dyads continue to experience breastfeeding difficulty[...]Article : texte imprimé
Mary R. Rozga, Auteur ; Jean M. Kerver, Auteur ; Beth H. Olson, Auteur |Background: Peer counseling programs have demonstrated efficacy in improving breastfeeding rates in the low-income population, but there is little research concerning why women enrolled in these programs ultimately discontinue breastfeeding. [...]Article : texte imprimé
Stépanie Larson, Auteur ; Sara Yang, Auteur ; Alexandra Chacko-Stacey, Auteur |Introduction During the postpartum period, breast engorgement in preparation for lactation may trigger the onset of vulvar labial nodules that present with pain and discomfort. These labial nodules may originate from ectopic breast tissue and c[...]Article : texte imprimé
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Bulletin : texte imprimé
Journal of Human Lactation, Vol. 34, n°3 - Août 2018 - Special Issue: Social Justice and Lactation
2018Article : texte imprimé
Mandisa Nyati, Auteur ; Hae-Young Kim, Auteur ; Ameena Goga, Auteur |Objectives: Breastfeeding is accepted as the healthiest practice for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected infants, but decisions about infant feeding are made before the child's HIV status is known. We examined the feasibility of counseli[...]Article : texte imprimé
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"The Breastfeeding Atlas, 6th edition, has been substantially re-written to reflect the most current research and best, evidence-based clinical practices. It also reflects the practical experience of Barbara Wilson-Clay, and Kay Hoover, both Fel[...]Article : texte imprimé
Eda Cangol, Auteur ; Sahin Nevin Hotun, Auteur |Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is the recommended breastfeeding method for infants during the first 6 postnatal months. Objective: This study aimed to increase breastfeeding duration and frequency using a breastfeeding motivation program[...]Article : texte imprimé
Alison M. Stuebe, Auteur ; Samantha Maltzer-Brody, Auteur ; Cathi Propper, Auteur ; Brenda Pearson, Auteur ; Pamela Beiler, Auteur ; Mala Elam, Auteur ; Cheryl Walker, Auteur ; Roger Mills-Koonce, Auteur ; Karen Grewen, Auteur |Purpose: We sought to determine the role of depression and anxiety in breastfeeding cessation. Materials and Methods: Participants underwent a baseline visit with a structured clinical interview in the third trimester of pregnancy. Monthly ph[...]Article : texte imprimé
Sara Giordana Rimoldi, Auteur ; Paola Pileri, Auteur ; Martina Ilaria Mazzocco, Auteur |Background Breastfeeding women are at risk of developing mastitis during the lactation period. Staphylococcus aureus has emerged as the community-acquired pathogen responsible for virulence (methicillin resistance and Panton-Valentine leukocidi[...]Article : texte imprimé
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Arieh Riskin, Auteur ; Michal Mansovsky, Auteur ; Tzviya Coler-Botzer, Auteur |Objective: This study explored clinical implications of tongue-tie (TT) on breastfeeding from the mothers' perspective and evaluated the assistance provided. Materials and Methods: This was a single-center observational study using a structur[...]Article : texte imprimé
Understanding Breastfeeding Womens Behaviors Toward Medication: Healthcare Professionals Viewpoint
Laurence Spiesser Robelet, Auteur ; Aurélie Maurice, Auteur ; Rémi Gagnayre, Auteur |"Background: Taking medication during breastfeeding is often a major concern for mothers. Knowledge, representations, and attitudes condition a mothers behavior in this situation. Healthcare professionals, whose medication advice for breastfee[...]Article : texte imprimé
Laura R. Kair, Auteur ; Tarah T. Colaizy, Auteur |Background: Maternal overweight and obesity are associated with decreased breastfeeding duration. Objective: This study aimed to identify barriers to breastfeeding continuation among overweight and obese mothers. Methods: A retrospectiv[...]texte imprimé
"A startlingly large number of women who want to breastfeed have to stop before they are ready, leaving them feeling a range of negative emotions, including grief, anger, guilt, shame and frustration, and often blaming themselves. But in a socie[...]Article : texte imprimé
Beth H. Olson, Auteur ; Madeleine Sigman-Grant, Auteur ; Michael T. Braun, Auteur |Introduction: Breastfeeding (BF) duration remains problematic, especially among women returning to work. Given that use of workplace lactation support programs has not gained traction in improving BF duration, there appears to be elements missin[...]