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Nouf M. AlKusayer, Auteur ; William K. Midodzi, Auteur ; Leigh Anne Newhook, Auteur |Background: The original 17-item Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale (IIFAS) has been validated and widely used to assess attitudes toward breastfeeding. A reduced 13-item version of the IIFAS was recently validated in a Canadian setting. Howeve[...]Article : texte imprimé
Article : texte imprimé
Donna J. Chapman, Auteur ; Joan Esper Kuhnly, Auteur |Background Several lactation assessment tools are available for in-hospital assessment of breastfeeding dyads, and their components vary widely. To date, no research has evaluated the perceptions of registered nurses (RNs) regarding the limitat[...]Article : texte imprimé
Ying Lau, Auteur ; Tha Pyai Htun, Auteur ; Peng Im Lim, Auteur |Background: The Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale (IIFAS) was developed to measure maternal attitudes toward infant feeding, but a number of validated studies on the IIFAS found that it was subject to methodological limitations. Objective: [...]Article : texte imprimé
Donna J. Chapman, Auteur ; Katherine Doughty, Auteur ; Elizabeth M. Mullin, Auteur |Background: The interrater reliability of lactation assessment tools has not been evaluated in overweight/obese women. Objective: This study aimed to compare the interrater reliability of 4 lactation assessment tools in this population. [...]Article : texte imprimé
Lama Charafeddine, Auteur ; Hani Tamim, Auteur ; Marwa Soubra, Auteur |Background: There is need in the Arab world for validated instruments that can reliably assess infant feeding attitudes among women. The 17-item Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale (IIFAS) has consistently shown good reliability and validity in [...]Article : texte imprimé
Shu-Fei Yang, Auteur ; Virginia Schmied, Auteur ; Elaine Burns, Auteur |Background: The Australian Breastfeeding Knowledge and Attitude QuestionnaireShort Form (ABKAQ-SF) was designed to measure breastfeeding knowledge and attitudes of health professionals. To date, a Chinese version of the attitude component of t[...]Article : texte imprimé
Yeon K. Bai, Auteur ; Lauren M Dinour, Auteur |Background: A proper assessment of multidimensional needs for breastfeeding mothers in various settings is crucial to facilitate and support breastfeeding and its exclusivity. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) has been used frequently to mea[...]