Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (26)

Bulletin : texte imprimé
Hot Milk, n°13 - Automne 2018
2018Bulletin : texte imprimé
Journal of Human Lactation, Vol. 34, n°4 - Novembre 2018
2018texte imprimé
"Les femmes françaises allaitent peu et, généralement, pour un temps très court. Le système juridique de notre pays compte incontestablement parmi les causes de cette situation, aux conséquences sanitaires néfastes trop souvent ignorées. Non se[...]texte imprimé
Lesptitesmainsdabord, Auteur ; Maman Lune, Auteur ; Axelle Camus, Auteur | Lesptitesmainsdabord | 2018"Suite à leurs allaitements, leurs recherches et leurs lectures, les auteures des blogs Lesptitesmainsdabord et Maman Lune ont réuni leurs écrits dans ce livre. Avec la participation de Axelle Camus, chiropracteur et maman allaitante. Un[...]Article : texte imprimé
Margaret Lippitt, Auteur ; Amelia Reese Masterson, Auteur ; Ana Sierra, Auteur |Background: Measurement of attitudes toward breastfeeding has been based on self-report, which may be subject to social desirability. Increasing the perceived anonymity of questionnaires may reduce social desirability bias, producing more accur[...]Article : texte imprimé
Yun Zhao, Auteur ; Yan-Qiong Ouyang, Auteur ; Sharon R. Redding, Auteur |Objective: To explore Chinese adults perceptions and attitudes toward breastfeeding in public places. Materials and Methods: This was a web-based survey including 10 items on breastfeeding participants (N = 2,021) who were recrui[...]Article : texte imprimé
Zixin Lou, Auteur ; Guo Zeng, Auteur ; John G. Orme, Auteur |Background: Despite the high breastfeeding initiation rate in China (> 90%), the low exclusivity rate is of concern. Some traditional behaviors, combined with increasing popularity of infant formula, may negatively affect future breastfeeding [...]texte imprimé
Paige Hall Smith, Auteur ; Labbok Miriam, Auteur ; Brittany D. Chambers, Auteur | Praeclarus Press | 2017Pour marquer le 10e anniversaire de la Conférence internationale sur l'allaitement maternel et le féminisme, les deux premiers chapitres de cet ouvrage traitent des changements survenus au cours de la dernière décennie dans la politique américai[...]Article : texte imprimé
Charlotte Grinberg, Auteur ; Rebecca Scott, Auteur ; Armond Goldman, Auteur ; Gilbert J. Grant, Auteur |Article : texte imprimé
Simonne S. Nouer, Auteur ; Julie L. Ware, Auteur ; Katherine M. Baldwin, Auteur |Background: The Southern United States has low breastfeeding rates, particularly among African Americans. Breastfeeding rates are influenced by community attitudes and norms. Objective: This study aimed to examine changes in breastfeeding a[...]Article : texte imprimé
Kathryn Eden, Auteur ; Katherine Carroll, Auteur ; Rebecca Williamson, Auteur ; Andrea Butler, Auteur ; Julie Smith, Auteur |Our study focuses on designated breastfeeding rooms on campus at a leading Australian university. Universities have a growing female staff and student cohort, including breastfeeding women who are legally protected to breastfeed. As part of a wi[...]Article : texte imprimé
Background: Stigma is a significant barrier to breastfeeding. Internationally, mothers have reported stigma surrounding public breastfeeding. In the United Kingdom, the Equality Act 2010 gives women the right to breastfeed in public, including [...]Article : document cartographique imprimé
Background: There is an abundance of published literature that describes the short- and long-term effects of breastfeeding for both the infant and mother. Despite the majority of women having good intentions to breastfeed, challenges that they e[...]Article : texte imprimé
Shanice A. McKenzie, Auteur ; Kathleen M. Rasmussen, Auteur ; Christine D. Garner, Auteur |Background: Women face societal and cultural barriers to breastfeeding. These challenges have been investigated in international studies and U.S. public opinion polls; however, mothers experiences with breastfeeding in public in the United Sta[...]Article : texte imprimé
Cecile Morris, Auteur ; Peter Schofield, Auteur ; Craig Hirst, Auteur |Background Negative attitudes toward breastfeeding in public have consistently been identified as a key barrier to breastfeeding continuation. In order to design effective social marketing campaigns to improve public attitude toward breastfeedi[...]Article : texte imprimé
Breast milk (human milk) is the recommended standard for nutrition for infants. There are strategies to increase breastfeeding for people of color due in part to health disparities experienced in underrepresented populations. [résumé de l'auteur]document projeté ou vidéo
Article : texte imprimé
Candace Mulready-Ward, Auteur ; Martine Hackett, Auteur |Background: In the United States, 76.9% of women initiate breastfeeding but only 36.0% breastfeed exclusively for 3 months. Lack of support for public breastfeeding may prevent women from breastfeeding in public, which could contribute to low r[...]Article : texte imprimé
Brianna M. Magnusson, Auteur ; Callie R. Thackeray, Auteur ; Siena F. Davis, Auteur ; Ray M. Merrill, Auteur |Background: Mens attitudes toward public breastfeeding may influence a womans decisions about breastfeeding and her perceived comfort with public breastfeeding. Research aim: This study aimed to evaluate factors associated with mens visu[...]Article : texte imprimé
"Au-delà de tous les bienfaits nutritionnels du lait humain, ce dossier présente cinq raisons d'allaiter qui abordent d'autres aspects de l'allaitement. Se pose la question du choix. Nous aborderons ce thème sensible. Les femmes ont le choix dan[...]Article : texte imprimé
Katherine Russell, Auteur ; Amira Ali, Auteur |Background: In Ontario, Canada, breastfeeding in public is a protected right, yet even with these laws, attitudes toward breastfeeding in public can serve as a barrier to breastfeeding. Research aim: This study assesses public support for b[...]Article : texte imprimé
Article : texte imprimé
Alissa Vieth, Auteur ; Janine Woodrow, Auteur ; Janet Murphy-Goodridge, Auteur |Background: The acceptance and support of breastfeeding in public venues can influence breastfeeding practices and, ultimately, the health of the population. Objective: The primary aim of this study was to investigate whether posters target[...]Article : texte imprimé
Laura E. Stevenson, Auteur |The purpose of this health promotion project was to increase the number of businesses promoting and supporting breastfeeding in South-West Victoria. As a strategy to support the Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plans of the Corangamite and Moyne S[...]