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Marie-Dominique Marie-Linder, Auteur ; Catherine Maupas-Morera, Auteur | Hachette Pratique | Parents | 1997Article : texte imprimé
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Lesptitesmainsdabord, Auteur ; Maman Lune, Auteur ; Axelle Camus, Auteur | Lesptitesmainsdabord | 2018"Suite à leurs allaitements, leurs recherches et leurs lectures, les auteures des blogs Lesptitesmainsdabord et Maman Lune ont réuni leurs écrits dans ce livre. Avec la participation de Axelle Camus, chiropracteur et maman allaitante. Un[...]Article : texte imprimé
Background The use of donor human milk is rising. Maternal awareness of donor human milk use, milk donation, and milk banks has not been well described in the United States. Research Aims To explore maternal experience, knowledge, and attit[...]Article : texte imprimé
Jill R. Demirci, Auteur ; Debra L. Bogen, Auteur |Background: Primiparous women are at risk for early, unintended breastfeeding reduction and cessation. Breastfeeding patterns that contribute to these outcomes require further exploration. Research aim: This study aimed to describe early, [...]Article : texte imprimé
Background Numerous researchers have evaluated the influence of federal and workplace lactation policies on breastfeeding duration, however few have considered the experiences of breastfeeding people returning to school. Research aim The ai[...]Article : texte imprimé
Kinga Pemo, Auteur ; Diane Philips, Auteur ; Alison M. Hutchinson, Auteur |"Background: Researchers have shown beneficial influences of exclusive breastfeeding for women and infants. Therefore, the World Health Organization recommends exclusively breastfeeding infants for the first 6 months following birth. In Bhutan,[...]Article : texte imprimé
Background: Breastfeeding is known to be the most beneficial way of feeding infants, but 68% of the infants enrolled in the U.S. Department of Agricultures Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children are fully formu[...]Article : texte imprimé
Many drugs are being investigated for treatment of COVID-19. The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics maintains an excellent, periodically updated and well-referenced table of anti-COVID-19 drugs that is free to download.1 Additional informa[...]Article : texte imprimé
Alice Burrell, Auteur ; Anne M. Kueter, Auteur ; Sujan Ariful, Auteur |Background Since 25 August, 2017 over 693,000 Rohingya have been forced from Myanmar due to mass violence, seeking refuge in neighboring Bangladesh. Nutritional surveys during 2017 revealed worrying levels of malnutrition and poor infant feedin[...]texte imprimé
Guide pratique de l'allaitement et du maternage, écrit à partir de l'expérience de centaines de milliers de mères qui allaitent.Article : texte imprimé
Tingting Sha, Auteur |Background: With births generated with assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs) increasingly, the effect of ARTs on infant feeding behaviors is an essential topic to explore. However, limited literature focused on this topic. The objective of thi[...]Article : texte imprimé
Yasutuka Kuniyoshi, Auteur ; Masahiro Kikuya, Auteur ; Hiroko Matsubara, Auteur ; Mami Ishikuro, Auteur ; Taku Obara, Auteur ; Shigeo Kure, Auteur ; Schinichi Kuriyama, Auteur |Backgrounds: The effect of breastfeeding on weight status of individuals after a large-scale natural disaster in a developed country is unclear. We aimed to investigate the association of breastfeeding with childhood overweight and/or obesity in[...]