![]() IBFAN International Baby Food Action Network |
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Article : texte imprimé
"L'initiative mondiale de suivi des tendances de l'allaitement ou World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTI) est une démarche innovante qui a commencé en 2005 en Inde, développée par IBFAN Asie (International Baby Food Action Network, le Résea[...]texte imprimé
The International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) is a non-governmental organization that continuously monitors the ability and willingness of governments and companies to comply with the substance of the International Code of Marketing of Brea[...]Article : texte imprimé
Naomi S Hull, Auteur ; Julie Smith, Auteur ; Mary Peterson, Auteur |Over the past few decades researchers have gathered a wealth of information that informs about the importance of breastfeeding to the overall health and human rights of women and children (UNHROHC, 2016). The World Health Organization (WHO) has [...]document électronique
World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative France WBTI France, Auteur ; IBFAN, Auteur ; Britta Boutry-Stadelmann, Auteur | 2017