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Bulletin : texte imprimé
Hot Milk, n°9 - Automne 2017
2017Bulletin : texte imprimé
Breastfeeding Medicine, Vol 13, n°1 - Janvier - Février 2018
2018Editorial - Informal Milk Sharing: To Be or Not to Be ABM Position Statement - Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine's 2017 Position Statement on Informal Breast Milk Sharing for the Term Healthy Infant LactMed® Update - Topical Drugs in Nu[...]Bulletin : texte imprimé
Breastfeeding Medicine, Vol. 13 n°4 - Mai 2018
2018Editorial - Breastfeeding and the United States Opioid Epidemic ABM Protocol - ABM Clinical Protocol #12: Transitioning the Breastfeeding Preterm Infant from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to Home, Revised 2018 LactMed® Update - Treat[...]Bulletin : texte imprimé
Journal of Human Lactation, Vol. 35, n°2 - Mai 2019
2019Bulletin : texte imprimé
Les Dossiers de l'Allaitement, n°154 - Janvier 2020
La Leche league France, Auteur | 2020SOMMAIRE Cas cliniques p.1 Allaitement du bébé souffrant de diabète de type 1 p.1 Absence de transmission du virus Zika chez un enfant allaité p.3 Traitement dun psoriasis chez une femme pendant la grossesse et lallaitement p.4 Le dossi[...]Article : texte imprimé
Rachel Buffin, Auteur ; Pierre Pradat, Auteur ; Jocelyne Trompette, Auteur |Background: Holder pasteurization is the most commonly used technique in milk banks worldwide, but higher temperatures and longer pasteurization time have been associated with damage to the immune components of human milk. Research aim: Thi[...]texte imprimé
"Les femmes françaises allaitent peu et, généralement, pour un temps très court. Le système juridique de notre pays compte incontestablement parmi les causes de cette situation, aux conséquences sanitaires néfastes trop souvent ignorées. Non se[...]texte imprimé
"Pourquoi choisir dallaiter ? Comment cela fonctionne ? Quelles sont les bonnes positions ? Comment prévenir les difficultés ? Comment savoir que le bébé tète efficacement ? Quand et comment sevrer le bébé ? Comment gérer la reprise du travail [...]Article : texte imprimé
Niran Al Naqeeb, Auteur ; Azza Tolba, Auteur ; Ahmed Farag Elhassanin, Auteur |Key Messages Human milk banks have been established worldwide, but Islamic countries have yet to establish a human milk bank due to the protocol of anonymity of donors which, in Islam, disallows the knowledge of kinship that is believed to be f[...]Article : texte imprimé
Beatriz Flores-Antón, Auteur ; Nadia Raquel García-Lara, Auteur ; Carmen Rosa Pallás-Alonso, Auteur |Inducing lactation in the absence of pregnancy (nonpuerperal lactation) is not always successful and, in many cases, only partial breastfeeding is achieved. Different protocols have been described, but scientific evidence and research are lackin[...]Article : texte imprimé
Maria Celestina Bonzanini Grazziotin, Auteur ; Ana Laura Grazziotin, Auteur ; Newton Medeiros Vidal, Auteur |Background: Milk safety is an important concern in neonatal units and human milk banks. Therefore, evidence-based recommendations regarding raw milk handling and storage are needed to safely promote supplying hospitalized infants with their mot[...]Article : texte imprimé
Claudio Rodríguez-Camejo, Auteur ; Arturo Puyol, Auteur ; Laura Fazio, Auteur |Background: When feeding preterm infants, donor milk is preferred if the mothers own milk is unavailable. Pasteurization may have detrimental effects on bioactivity, but more information is needed about its effects on the immunological compoun[...]Article : texte imprimé
Background This case presents a mothers feeding experience of an infant born with a complete unilateral cleft lip and palate from birth until both were repaired. She fed him directly at the breast with assistance, controlling the delivery of t[...]Article : texte imprimé
Diana Escuder-Vieco, Auteur ; Óscar Garcia-Algar, Auteur ; Xavier Joya, Auteur |Background: The use of illegal drugs and tobacco is an exclusion criteria for accepting a nursing mother as a milk donor. The detection window for human milk testing is typically a few hours. Hair testing has been considered the gold standard t[...]texte imprimé
Each new print copy includes Navigate 2 Preferred Access that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook and Navigate 2 TestPrep. Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, Enhanced Fifth Edition continues as the leading reference for the latest clin[...]