Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Melissa Cole |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (2)

Article : texte imprimé
Bobak A. Ghaheri, Auteur ; Melissa Cole, Auteur |"Dear Editor: The authors would like to thank Dr. Douglas for her comments regarding our recently published article demonstrating improvement in infants with ankyloglossia and lip tie who undergo surgical release of tethered oral tissues.1,2 [...]Article : texte imprimé
Bobak A. Ghaheri, Auteur ; Melissa Cole, Auteur ; Jess C. Mace, Auteur |Background: Lingual frenotomy improves patient-reported outcome measures, including infant reflux and maternal nipple pain, and prolongs the nursing relationship; however, many motherinfant dyads continue to experience breastfeeding difficulty[...]