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Auteur Dror Mandel |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (10)

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Mika Rochman, Auteur ; Laurence Mangel, Auteur ; Dror Mandel, Auteur |Background: Aluminum exposure may originate from numerous sources, including antiperspirants. Aluminum toxicity can cause a wide range of neurological impairments. Infants are exposed to aluminum through human milk (HM), formulas, total-parenter[...]Article : texte imprimé
Laurence Mangel, Auteur ; Françis B. Mimouni, Auteur ; Dror Mandel, Auteur |Objective: We examined the influence of maternal body mass index (BMI), and of breast and nipple anatomic variations, on breastfeeding difficulties and duration. Methods: In this prospective observational study, we collected demographic and a[...]Article : texte imprimé
Sivan Yochpaz, Auteur ; Françis B. Mimouni, Auteur ; Dror Mandel, Auteur |Objective: To conduct a systematic review of the effect of freezing and thawing on the macronutrients and energy composition of human milk (HM). Design: Systematic review conducted in May 2019, including all studies reporting macronutrients a[...]Article : document cartographique imprimé
Moshe Ben-Shoshan, Auteur ; Dror Mandel, Auteur ; Ronit Lubetzky, Auteur |Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-infected human milk (HM) can lead to significant CMV morbidity and mortality in preterm very-low-birth weight infants. The eradication of CMV in HM while preserving its properties poses a major clinical challeng[...]Article : texte imprimé
Gili Palnizky Soffer, Auteur ; Maayan Siri, Auteur ; Laurence Mangel, Auteur ; Dror Mandel, Auteur ; Ronit Lubetzky, Auteur |Objective: The impact of maternal anxiety on the macronutrients content of human milk (HM) is unknown. We hypothesized that maternal stress generated by her infants hospitalization will affect the mother's breast milk's macronutrients content. [...]Article : texte imprimé
Ofri Hayosh, Auteur ; Dror Mandel, Auteur ; Françis B. Mimouni, Auteur |Background: The Hertfordshire study suggested that age of weaning and methods of infant feeding may influence adult serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and mortality from ischemic heart disease in men. Although breastfeeding 1 ye[...]Article : texte imprimé
Rotem Orbach, Auteur ; Dror Mandel, Auteur ; Laurence Mangel, Auteur |Objectives: Long-term storage of human milk (HM) requires freezing at low temperatures, the consequences of which upon macronutrients are unclear. The conflicting results of the few studies on freezing-induced changes on HM macronutrients led to[...]Article : texte imprimé
Laurence Mangel, Auteur ; Sharon Morag, Auteur ; Dror Mandel, Auteur ; Ronella Marom, Auteur ; Hadar Moran-Lev, Auteur ; Ronit Lubetzky, Auteur |Background: Sex differences in infant mortality and neonatal morbidity have been previously documented. Few studies, with conflicting results, have investigated the interaction between human milk (HM) macronutrients and energy content and infant[...]Article : texte imprimé
Moria Be'er, Auteur ; Dror Mandel, Auteur ; Alexander Yelak, Auteur ; Laurence Mangel, Auteur ; Ronit Lubetzky, Auteur |Objective: There are multiple health benefits associated with both breastfeeding and practicing physical activity (PA). Therefore, it is likely that many women might want to engage in both. We designed the current randomized clinical trial to ex[...]Article : texte imprimé
Dror Mandel, Auteur ; Françis B. Mimouni, Auteur |Expressed Breast Milk (EBM) is increasingly used throughout the developed world. In 2013, it was estimated that ∼25% of mothers in the United States express regularly their milk, and close to 40% do it occasionally, whereas most of the 6 m[...]